Sunday, October 3, 2010

Comfort. Enjoy.

So, I 'm starting a food blog. I know, right? Like there aren't enough food blogs on the internet. Still, I think that society in general, and my family in particular, eat out much too much. So, I'm starting a blog of all the "mom meals" I like to make. You know, comfort food. It won't necessarily be all mashed potatoes and macaroni. I think of all home-cooked meals as comforting. Maybe blogging will encourage me to cook more meals at home.

My name is Barbara. I'll be 40 in 2 months. I love God, my husband, my kids, my extended family and friends, and food. Usually in that order ;). I've been married to Chuck for almost 17 years, and we have two kids. Jacob is 8, and Sarah is 6. I homeschool them both, sometimes poorly. Chuck is a college instructor. We also have a dog named T-Bone, cats named Sebastian and Sparky, and about a dozen assorted fish (mostly goldfish) that may or may not be mentioned from time-to time.

Here comes the disclaimer: I have no set posting schedule. I'll post whenever I feel like it. My recipes may or may not be the healthiest thing you can eat. I'm not a nutritionist--I'm a mom. I cook what my family likes (well, except for my son--he doesn't like anything). Many recipes will be low-carb or low-glycemic because my husband is diabetic, but I make no claims about low fat contents.

I hope you'll follow along, and share your favorite recipes in the comments section!


  1. Cool! I eat low-carb/low-glycemic most of the time, too. I look forward to your posts!

  2. Hey, Heather. I can't promise that all of these will be low-carb...But, I do try. Low carb dieting doesn't work for me at all. I actually gained weight the last time i tried it. Still, I try to keep the main dish low or zero carb. Have you checked out Kalyn's Kitchen? Her blog is exclusively South Beach diet friendly. I have used many of her recipes.

  3. Thanks for the tip -- Kalyn's Kitchen will be a great resource. I am not diabetic, but I feel better when I stay away from sugar and starches. I lose weight doing low-carb when I am very strict, but I stay with lower-carb to feel healthier.


Anonymous comments are welcome, but I will delete anything hateful.